Power of Positive Thinking
Pollinator Pathways = No pesticides. Plant native plants. You may not have known this, but the Cheshire Pollinator Pathway came about from a nudge.
Okay, there was also vision, enthusiasm, hard work, and the most awesome, dedicated bunch of people to pull it together.
Here's the backstory:
The grassroots CT Pollinator Pathway steering committee, consisting of Donna Merrill, Louise Washer and Jacqueline Algon spearheaded the Pollinator Pathway movement in our state. It was Louise Washer who came to Southington and spoke to a number of local land trust presidents and members.
All of us were in and we took it on for our own communities from there. Each of our groups is an independent entity; however, we readily share resources as does the original group. We are a movement.
Since that first meeting, we have each created our own Pollinator Pathway garden(s). The Cheshire Pollinator Pathway is on North Brooksvale Road, across from the Lock 12 parking lot.
Our Cheshire group has also gone on to partner with the sustainability group in town, the Coalition for a Sustainable Cheshire. It's a perfect fit. We plan to create more pesticide-free, native plant gardens in our town.
In fact, we have our eyes on one location very close to the original garden. Keep thinking positive thoughts.
​We also hope to educate and show gardeners and homeowners everywhere how important it is for us to plant for wildlife and to plant in harmony with the environment. ​ ​The founding group, Pollinator-Pathway.org is an excellent source of solid, expert information, advice and inspiration. Take a look at their website and subscribe to their monthly newsletter at pollinator-pathway.org ​ By the way, there is no membership fee for this grassroots group, nor are there membership fees to join the Cheshire Pollinator Pathway.